Thursday, 31 January 2013

Print Madness

Finally! There is an Etsy store up and running where Giclee prints of various drawings of mine can be purchased. Take the quick trip over to my little store at or just click here to view the collection of prints currently available. 

And should you feel inclined, please do share this link with anyone you think might be interested. I'd be so extremely, enormously grateful! 

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Banjo & Ruby Red Get Packed

Today was one of those rare days, filled with desperation, pride and a teensy bit of sadness, when I have to get my finished book to the courier before 4.30 pm. Of course, I'm not completely finished - there is always one page that needs a bit more work and a cover to do. But the rest went off today!

This is a nice moment:

This is a nicer moment:

Here is a sneak peek at some of the paintings for the new book, written by Libby Gleeson, called Banjo & Ruby Red.